Lesson Number |
Title |
Summary |
1 |
Introduction to Christology |
In the Gospel of Matthew, in Matthew 16, Jesus has an important conversation with his disciples. They’re in the town of Caesarea Philippi, a town outside of Israel, and Jesus begins in Matthew,... |
2 |
The Divinity of Christ |
In Matthew, chapter 16, verse 13, Jesus asks his disciples a question: “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” As we discussed in our last time together, this is the most important question in... |
3 |
The Humanity of Christ |
When we looked at Jesus’s divinity, we saw a host of places in Scripture, where Jesus is treated as or spoken of as fully God. When we come to consider the humanity of Christ, we find the same... |
4 |
The Hypostatic Union |
In the last couple of lectures, we have learned that Christ has both a human nature—a true body and a reasonable soul—which he assumed to himself in his incarnation. And we learned that Christ has... |
5 |
The States of Christ |
In the last few lectures, we’ve learned that the Lord Jesus Christ is God and man in two distinct natures, and one person forever. We now turn to consider other important doctrinal truths related... |
6 |
The Offices of Christ |
In these last few lectures, we’ve learned that Christ is God and man in two distinct natures and one Person forever, in both his states of humiliation and exaltation. Well, we now turn to the work... |
7 |
The Necessity of the Atonement |
We have explored what the Bible teaches us about the person and work of Christ. In the previous lectures, we focused our attention on the person of Jesus Christ. We now turn to consider how the... |
8 |
The Nature of the Atonement |
In the last lecture, we began to consider the work of Christ, specifically the Necessity of the Atonement. In this lecture, we will explore further details on the Nature of the Atonement. And in... |
9 |
The Extent of the Atonement |
In the last couple of lectures, we’ve focused on the work of Christ, specifically his atonement. We’ve learned about both its necessity and nature. In this lecture, we will explore the Extent of... |
10 |
The Preeminence of Christ |
In the last three lectures, we have focused on the work of Christ, specifically his atonement. We’ve learned about its Necessity, Nature, and Extent. In this last and final lecture of this module,... |