Module 3 - Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man



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Men are tireless in their pursuit of understanding themselves. Their origin, their makeup, their identity, their purpose, and destiny, and so on. But true knowledge of man is not found within himself. It is discovered in what God reveals in Scripture. So if you wish to gain a deeper understanding of man, these lectures aim to benefit you. The lectures in this third module, on the Doctrine of Man, are introductory, not exhaustive, and they are intended to furnish you with a foundation that you can build upon in your further studies. As you’ll recall, from the first module, theology, broadly defined, has to do with the study of the knowledge of God, and all that He has revealed for us to believe and do. We noted that it is the doctrine of living unto God through Christ, thus addressing both our thinking and our living. The Doctrine of Man, therefore, is an indispensible component to Systematic Theology. We will learn, for example, about man’s nature. Man, made as the image of God, his freedom of will, original sin, man’s total depravity, as well as God’s relating to man by way of covenant.