When Paul and Barnabas planned to go on their second mission they couldn’t agree about taking John Mark along. As a result they went separately, Barnabas with John Mark and Paul with Silas. Timotheus joined Paul at Lystra and at Troas they were joined by Luke, the author of Acts.
During this trip Paul was directed to go to Macedonia, a country in Europe, by a vision. In Philippi, Lydia and her family were baptized. When they cast an evil spirit out of a damsel, Paul and Silas were put in prison and the Lord used this for the conversion of the jailer.
As the missionaries visited several other cities many people believed despite the opposition of the Jews. Besides Thessalonica and Berea, Paul also preached about the Unknown God in Athens. When God told Paul that He had much people in Corinth, Paul remained there for eighteen months, preaching the Word of God. From there Paul visited Ephesus for a short time before he went to Jerusalem.